Can quality arts education bring low performing schools back from the brink?

Can quality arts education bring low performing schools back from the brink?
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  • February 6, 2015
February 6, 2015  -   Posted To:   Coverage, Featured
Lesley University website, Louise Pascale… Michelle Obama thinks so. As honorary chair of the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH), the first lady is working to reinvigorate our nation’s schools through a trailblazing initiative called Turnaround Arts. The program is employing the arts as a tool to narrow achievement gaps and improve student, parent, and community engagement in 35 of the country’s highest poverty, lowest performing elementary and middle schools. “Learning through the arts reinforces critical academic skills in reading, language arts, and math, and provides students with the skills to creatively solve problems,” said the first lady.