Turnaround Arts, a program of the Kennedy Center, works with teachers and students at Title 1 elementary and middle schools to increase equitable access to the arts and foster a deeper sense of belonging.
Our Mission
Our Vision
Together, we envision a world in which all students thrive as they
+ Experience authentic belonging throughout their K-8 school journey
+ Engage in a well-rounded education, inclusive of the arts
+ Exude confidence, critical thinking, and creativity
The Next Phase of Turnaround Arts
Since its launch in 2012 with just 8 schools, Turnaround Arts has expanded its impact to more than 96,000 students nationwide, inspiring countless stories of positive transformation from students and teachers alike. Along with our newly developed Learning Framework, we are partnering with neuroscientists and education experts whose research proves that the arts are one of the best ways to prepare students’ minds to receive and retain learning.
Special thanks to Alfre Woodard for narrating the video
Because Arts-full Practices are a direct pathway to Belonging, and Belonging is essential for Learning.
Introducing the Turnaround Arts Learning Framework: Arts-full Practices for Belonging
By collaborating with communities where students and adults Experience the Arts, Make Art, and Connect through the Arts in joyful and culturally responsive ways, Turnaround Arts champions belonging-supportive environments that respect every student’s identity, capacity to succeed, and their individual agency. These arts-full spaces encourage all participants to learn and thrive.
Our Impact
Since 2012, our impact has reached and served:
96,000+ Students
4,500+ Educators
105 Partner Schools
54 School Districts
55 Cities
17 States + DC
Turnaround Arts
Arts-full Pathways
Turnaround Arts invites schools to explore Arts-full Pathways, a flexible set of offerings designed to equip teachers and students with resources and opportunities that enhance learning and engagement. Along with our Learning Framework Arts-full Practices for Belonging, our program supports all educators to transform their classrooms and schools into dynamic spaces where students Experience the Arts, Make Art, and Connect through the Arts.
What We Offer
For All Educators and Schools
We believe that access to high quality arts education is a civil right for all students. Turnaround Arts is able to provide free resources for all teachers and principals through Arts-full Pathways.
For In-Network Educators and Schools
As valued members of the Turnaround Arts network, we are delighted to provide in-network educators and schools with continued access to a wealth of resources designed to support your ongoing work in arts education. Explore resources, tools, and opportunities to deepen your impact and foster a thriving learning environment for your students.
Poem Forest
Learn how to activate the Turnaround Arts Learning Framework in your classroom through this arts integration project in which students connect science and ecology with experiencing and making poetry.
Fellowship Program
Are you an educator? This program provides professional development for educators and artists affiliated with Turnaround Arts in-network schools.
Belonging in Brief
In these bite-sized videos on our Framework page, listen to experts in the field define belonging and its importance.
Turnaround Arts teachers and principals from around the nation share their “aha” moments and stories of transformations through the arts.